The Two Most Important Safe Driving Rules

September 24, 2012 No Comments



There are two critically important safety driving rules that are regularly violated by employee drivers.   Each year, we see many totally preventable work related traffic deaths that might have been prevented had the employer emphasized these two very simple safety practices.

  • First, texting and using a cell phones while driving are well known driving distractions.   Many states have laws that prohibit drivers from texting or using a cell phone while driving.  The federal government is so concerned with distracted driving that they have developed a website dedicated to it.
  • Second, every state has a law that requires the wearing of seat-belts while driving.  Yet many employees will not wear them.  I know of a retail delivery employee who recently died when he lost control of his vehicle, was ejected, and the truck rolled on top of him.  He was not wearing a seat-belt.

What’s an employer do?   Isn’t it enough to rely on the police to enforce the existing laws on distracted driving and seat belt usage?   No!

Every employer who has employees who do any amount of driving as a part of their jobs should initiate a campaign to promote the use of seat-belts, and to stop texting while driving.   This campaign should include –

  • A policy statement issued by senior management clearly stating the companies’ position in support of wearing seat belts and prohibiting distracted driving.
  • Individual memos sent to each employee who drives as a part of their job.
  • Posters on company bulletin boards.
  • Articles written in the company newsletter on seat-belts and distracted driving.
  • Safety rules mandating seat-belt use, and forbidding cell phone use (including texting) while driving on company business.
  • Enforce these rules with random road patrols and when employees pull onto company property.

Safety Articles

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