76-Page Guideline On Workplace “Psychological” Health & Safety

February 10, 2013 No Comments

The CSA Group in Canada recently published a unique and very progressive new safety guideline (voluntary standard) entitled CAN/CSA-Z1003-13/BNQ 9700-803/2013 – Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace – Prevention, Promotion, and Guidance to Staged Implementation.  It addresses an often overlooked aspect of workplace health and safety.

“Key topics covered in the standard include:

  • Establishing commitment, leadership and participation
  • Understanding the diverse needs of the organization’s population so they can be appropriately addressed
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Establishing a policy and planning process to implement the system
  • Identifying the organization’s PHS hazards, assessing risks, and implementing preventive and protective measures
  • Ensuring infrastructure and resources are in place to support the system
  • Providing education and awareness, and ensuring key people are trained and competent
  • Having processes in place to be prepared in the case of a critical event
  • Collecting data, monitoring and measuring success”1

This 76-page guide can be downloaded for free by clicking on the above blue link.

For those employers who already have a comprehensive workplace safety and health program that is getting superior results, you may want to consider employee psychological health for the next chapter in the evolution of your program.

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