My Simple, Effective, And FREE Behavior Based Safety Program

June 11, 2018 No Comments

 My Simple Behavior Based Safety Program

A few years ago, I created a simple BBS (Behavior Based Safety) program and successfully implemented it at my multi-location, international employer.   Unlike most other BBS programs, mine is simple and non-adversarial.  Its’ focus is working with employees to identify their unsafe behaviors, and soliciting the employees participation in finding a win-win solution.

Here’s an overview of the program:

  • Develop a customized BBS (Behavior Based Safety)  JSA (Job Safety Analysis) Observation form that has the following four column headers:  Job Steps, Hazards, Safety Precautions, Observations
  • Complete the first three columns of a “BBS JSA Observation Form” on all production and maintenance jobs that are potentially dangerous. The fourth column (Observations) will be left blank
  • Train all supervisors and safety committee members how to use the new BBS JSA Observation Form to conduct a Planned Job Observation (PJO)
  • Set up a schedule for all trained observers to make their PJOs.  Each observer will be required to complete a certain number of observations each month
  • At the start of each PJO, the observer will inform the observed employee that they will be observed doing one (or more) complete cycles of their job  
  • During the PJO, the observer will not interfere with the job (unless the employee is in imminent danger)
  • The observed employee will not be disciplined for any safety (or work rule) violation that is observed
  • Observers will use the fourth column (“Observations”) on the BBS JSA Observation Form to record their observations on each job step
  • As is appropriate, observers will take photos to document key elements of their observation
  • The observed employee will be debriefed by the observer at the end of the observation. The observer will show the employee the completed BBS JSA Observation Form and supporting photographs.  
  • The observed employee will be asked:  1. to explain why he/she did not comply with each non-compliant step, 2. what needs to be done to help them comply with the designated procedure, 3. to commit to complying with the designated procedure once their recommendation is implemented
  • Periodically re-observe those employees observed having deficiencies until full compliance with that job’s JSA is achieved
  • Share the monthly “percentage of observed safe behaviors” statistical results with management and the safety committee
  • Chart your progress over time

Please feel free to adopt the above program as described, or customize it as needed for use at your company.

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